Research and Publications

The project

POPaD is one of the scientific products of the Exploratory Project ‘Opposition parties in Europe under pressure. Far from power, close to citizens?’ (IF/00926/2015), financed by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). For an abstract of the research project, please click here.

Past and recent publications employing Portuguese legislative data (a selection)

Comparative works

De Giorgi E. and Ilonszki G. (2018) Opposition parties in European legislatures, London, Routledge.

De Giorgi E. and Moury C. (2015) Government-opposition dynamics in Southern European countries during the economic crisis. Great recession, great cooperation?, special issue of The Journal of Legislative Studies, 21(1).

About Portugal

De Giorgi E. and Russo F. (2018) ‘Portugal: The unexpected path of far left parties, from permanent opposition to government support’, in E. De Giorgi e G. Ilonszki, Opposition parties in European legislatures, London, Routledge.

De Giorgi E. Moury C. and Ruivo J.P. (2015) Incumbents, opposition and international lenders: governing Portugal in times of crisis, The Journal of Legislative Studies, 21(1).