Elisabetta De Giorgi is Senior Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences (DiSPeS) of the University of Trieste. Until late 2018, she was FCT Researcher (Investigadora FCT) at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI) of the NOVA University of Lisbon and Principal Investigator of the Exploratory Project ‘Opposition parties in Europe under pressure. Far from power, close to citizens?’ (IF/00926/2015). Her main research interests are parliaments from a comparative perspective and political parties. She has published several articles in national and international journals and the book L’opposizione parlamentare in Italia. Dall’antiberlusconismo all’antipolitica (2016). She has also recently edited the volume Opposition parties in European legislatures. Conflict or consensus? (2018) with Gabriella Ilonszki.

António Dias is the data manager for the POPAD datasets. Currently he is a PhD candidate in Political Science in Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a researcher at IPRI-NOVA. His mains research interests are comparative politics, democratization studies and African studies.