Parliamentary Questions
The Parliamentary Questions dataset contains information on all questions and requests presented by MPs since the XI legislature. Please bear in mind that some changes to this procedure were introduced on September 2007. Until this date there was no procedural distinction between a question and a request.
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De Giorgi, Elisabetta and Dias, António Luís (2019) Portuguese Observatory on Parliamentary Dynamics database (POPaD): Information on legislative process, scrutiny activity and speeches in the Portuguese parliament. (Development version) [Datafile and Codebook]. Retrieved from
Name | Description | Type |
AllPPGs |
Name of all Political Party groups that presented the written question, separated by commas. | Categorical String |
AllMPs |
Name of all MPs that presented the written question, separated by commas. | String |
Date |
Date in which the question was introduced in a Year-Month-Day format. | Date String |
ToWhomEntity |
Type of entity to whom the question was addressed.There are 5 categories: Central Administration (“AC”); Local Administration (“AL”);the Parliament (“AR”); Autonomous Regions (“RA”); and Independent Entities (“EI”). | Categorical String |
FirstPPG |
Name of the first Political Party group that presented the written question. | Categorical String |
FirstMP |
Name of the first MPs that presented the written question. | String |
Id |
Unique ID of the written question. | Numeric |
Legislature |
Number of Legislature during which the question was introduced. | Numeric |
Link |
URL link to the text of the question. | URL String |
QNr |
Number of the question. | Numeric |
Replied |
Dummy variable that indicates if the question was answered (1) or if not (0). | Numeric |
ReplyDate |
Date of reply in a Year-Month-Day format. | Date String |
Session |
Number of Session during which the question was introduced. | Numeric |
ToWhom |
Name of entity to whom the question was addressed. | String |
Type |
Type of question. There are two types: questions (“Pergunta”) and requests (“Requerimento”). For complete information on both types see the description above. | String |
Year |
Year during which the question was introduced. | Numeric |
Subject |
Short description of the content of question or request in Portuguese. | String |