How to Access

Data can be displayed on the web pages and exported in .csv format.

To access data it is necessary to register and choose a password (your email address will then become your login). Access is restricted only for the most recent data (i.e. current legislature) and will be released only on request.

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If you are already registered, you can access to the data using your login and password.

All data included in POPAD is free to download for your own research, but please make sure to cite it properly. The correct way to cite this data is:


De Giorgi, Elisabetta and Dias, António Luís (2019) Portuguese Observatory on Parliamentary Dynamics database (POPaD): Information on legislative process, scrutiny activity and speeches in the Portuguese parliament. (Development version) [Datafile and Codebook]. Retrieved from

You can download the structure of the database and a codebook with all the variables contained in the different files in the following pages: