
The Portuguese Observatory on Parliamentary Dynamics (POPaD) is a data infrastructure for all those who are interested in Portuguese politics, which combines different pieces of information on the Portuguese legislative arena.

POPaD originated from an idea of a group of scholars affiliated with the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI) of the NOVA University of Lisbon, and it is one of the scientific products of the Exploratory Project ‘Opposition parties in Europe under pressure. Far from power, close to citizens?’ (IF/00926/2015), financed by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).


POPaD includes data on

– Legislation (laws approved – leis aprovadas)

– Legislative initiative (projetos/propostas de lei) and legislative process

– Parliamentary questions and requests (perguntas and requerimentos)

– Parliamentary speeches

In the current version data covers a period that ranges from the beginning of the 2nd legislature to the 13th legislature, with the exception of the database on parliamentary questions (11th to 13th as in 2007 parliamentary rules were significantly modified in this respect) and some auxiliary datasets.

Project leaders

Elisabetta De Giorgi and António Dias


De Giorgi, Elisabetta and Dias, António Luís (2019) Portuguese Observatory on Parliamentary Dynamics database (POPaD): Information on legislative process, scrutiny activity and speeches in the Portuguese parliament. (Development version) [Datafile and Codebook]. Retrieved from https://popad.org